Trapez verzerren

Mit diesem Script haben Sie die Möglichkeit, beliebige Bilder in alle Richtungen getrennt zu verzerren.
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Projekt - Download
© FienauBerlin

Quell-Code Form1
'Erstellen Sie folgende Steuerelemente:
'Form Form1, Line PolySide, PictureBox PicDummy,
'PictureBox Picture1, PictureBox Picture2,

Option Explicit
Private vScaleX1&, vScaleY1&, vScaleX2&, vScaleY2&
Private vScaleX3&, vScaleY3&, vScaleX4&, vScaleY4&
Dim X_Point As Long
Dim Y_Point As Long
'-- Form1, Picture1, Picture2, PicDammy,
'-- PolyPoint(0) -> PictureBox 13x13px, PolySide(0) -> Line

Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i% Me.ScaleMode = 3 With Picture1 .Width = 480 .Height = 400 .AutoRedraw = True .ScaleMode = 3 End With With Picture2 .Width = 150 .Height = 150 .AutoRedraw = True .ScaleMode = 3 End With With PicDummy .Width = 150 .Height = 150 .AutoRedraw = True .ScaleMode = 3 End With PolySide(0).BorderColor = vbRed For i = 1 To 3 Load PolySide(i) Load PolyPoint(i) PolySide(i).Visible = True PolyPoint(i).Visible = True Next vScaleX1 = 200 vScaleY1 = 200 vScaleX2 = 300 vScaleY2 = 200 vScaleX3 = 300 vScaleY3 = 300 vScaleX4 = 200 vScaleY4 = 300 Call vRefresh PolyPoint_MouseDown 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 PolyPoint_MouseMove 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 PolyPoint_MouseUp 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 End Sub
Private Sub PolyPoint_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As _ Single) X_Point = X Y_Point = Y End Sub
Private Sub PolyPoint_MouseMove(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim iW&, iH& On Error Resume Next If Button = 1 Then PolyPoint(Index).Left = PolyPoint(Index).Left + _ (X - X_Point) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX PolyPoint(Index).Top = PolyPoint(Index).Top + _ (Y - Y_Point) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY '-- Koordinaten für die Punkte (PicRefresh) If Index = 0 Then vScaleX1 = CLng(PolyPoint(0).Left + PolyPoint(0).Width) vScaleY1 = CLng(PolyPoint(0).Top + PolyPoint(0).Height) ElseIf Index = 1 Then vScaleX2 = CLng(PolyPoint(1).Left) vScaleY2 = CLng(PolyPoint(1).Top + PolyPoint(0).Height) ElseIf Index = 2 Then vScaleX3 = CLng(PolyPoint(2).Left) vScaleY3 = CLng(PolyPoint(2).Top) ElseIf Index = 3 Then vScaleX4 = CLng(PolyPoint(3).Left + PolyPoint(0).Width) vScaleY4 = CLng(PolyPoint(3).Top) End If '-- Koordinaten innerhalb von DIBDummy bestimmen. If vScaleX1 < vScaleX4 Then vSelX1 = 0 vSelX4 = vScaleX4 - vScaleX1 Else vSelX1 = vScaleX1 - vScaleX4 vSelX4 = 0 End If If vScaleX1 < vScaleX4 Then vSelX2 = vScaleX2 - vScaleX1 vSelX3 = vScaleX3 - vScaleX1 Else vSelX2 = vScaleX2 - vScaleX4 vSelX3 = vScaleX3 - vScaleX4 End If If vSelX2 > vSelX3 Then iW = vSelX2 Else iW = vSelX3 End If If vScaleY1 < vScaleY2 Then vSelY1 = 0 vSelY2 = vScaleY2 - vScaleY1 Else vSelY1 = vScaleY1 - vScaleY2 vSelY2 = 0 End If If vScaleY1 < vScaleY2 Then vSelY4 = vScaleY4 - vScaleY1 vSelY3 = vScaleY3 - vScaleY1 Else vSelY4 = vScaleY4 - vScaleY2 vSelY3 = vScaleY3 - vScaleY2 End If If vSelY4 > vSelY3 Then iH = vSelY4 Else iH = vSelY3 End If PicDummy.Cls PicDummy.Width = iW PicDummy.Height = iH 'Läuft mit einer DIB wesendlich schneller !!! ' Call Trapez(Picture2, PicDummy) Call vRefresh End If End Sub
Private Sub PolyPoint_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim iW&, iH& Picture1.MousePointer = 11 PicDummy.Cls Call Trapez(Picture2, PicDummy) Call vRefresh If vScaleX1 < vScaleX4 Then iW = vScaleX1 Else iW = vScaleX4 End If If vScaleY1 < vScaleY2 Then iH = vScaleY1 Else iH = vScaleY2 End If Picture1.Cls BitBlt Picture1.hDC, iW, iH, PicDummy.Width, PicDummy.Height, _ PicDummy.hDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy Picture1.MousePointer = 0 End Sub
Private Sub vRefresh() PolySide(0).X1 = vScaleX1 PolySide(0).Y1 = vScaleY1 PolySide(0).X2 = vScaleX2 PolySide(0).Y2 = vScaleY2 PolyPoint(0).Left = vScaleX1 - PolyPoint(0).Width PolyPoint(0).Top = vScaleY1 - PolyPoint(0).Height PolySide(1).X1 = vScaleX2 PolySide(1).Y1 = vScaleY2 PolySide(1).X2 = vScaleX3 PolySide(1).Y2 = vScaleY3 PolyPoint(1).Left = vScaleX2 PolyPoint(1).Top = vScaleY2 - PolyPoint(0).Height PolySide(2).X1 = vScaleX3 PolySide(2).Y1 = vScaleY3 PolySide(2).X2 = vScaleX4 PolySide(2).Y2 = vScaleY4 PolyPoint(2).Left = vScaleX3 PolyPoint(2).Top = vScaleY3 PolySide(3).X1 = vScaleX4 PolySide(3).Y1 = vScaleY4 PolySide(3).X2 = vScaleX1 PolySide(3).Y2 = vScaleY1 PolyPoint(3).Left = vScaleX4 - PolyPoint(0).Width PolyPoint(3).Top = vScaleY4 End Sub

Quell-Code ModTrapez
Option Explicit
Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, _
     ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, _
     ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long
Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, _
     ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _
     ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, _
     ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Public vSelX1&, vSelY1&, vSelX2&, vSelY2&, vSelX3&, vSelY3&, vSelX4&, vSelY4&

Public Sub Trapez(oDIBSrc As PictureBox, oDIBDst As PictureBox) Dim ii%, iJ%, ix1!, iy1!, ix2!, iy2!, gX&, gY&, xRand&, yRand&, yKorr& On Error Resume Next For iJ = 0 To oDIBDst.Height If vSelX1 < vSelX4 Then '\ '-- Die linke Schräge berechnen. ix1 = Int(iJ * (vSelX4 / oDIBDst.Height)) Else '/ ix1 = Int((oDIBDst.Height - iJ) * (vSelX1 / oDIBDst.Height)) End If If vSelX2 > vSelX3 Then '-- Die rechte Schräge berechnen. ix2 = (oDIBDst.Height - iJ) * ((vSelX2 - vSelX3) / oDIBDst.Height) '-- Den rechten Rand zwischen Schräge und Picture2.Width 'bestimmen sowie die linke Schräge abziehen. xRand = (vSelX3 - oDIBSrc.Width) - ix1 Else ix2 = iJ * ((vSelX3 - vSelX2) / oDIBDst.Height) xRand = (vSelX2 - oDIBSrc.Width) - ix1 End If For ii = 0 To oDIBDst.Width If vSelY1 < vSelY2 Then iy1 = Int(ii * (vSelY2 / oDIBDst.Width)) Else iy1 = Int((oDIBDst.Width - ii) * (vSelY1 / oDIBDst.Width)) End If If vSelY3 > vSelY4 Then iy2 = ii * ((vSelY3 - vSelY4) / oDIBDst.Width) yRand = (vSelY4 - oDIBSrc.Height) - iy1 Else iy2 = (oDIBDst.Width - ii) * ((vSelY4 - vSelY3) / oDIBDst.Width) yRand = (vSelY3 - oDIBSrc.Height) - iy1 End If '-- Ergebnis für linke Schräge proportional zur Schleife (iI%) '-- ins Verhältnis setzen. gX = Int(ii * (oDIBSrc.Width / (oDIBSrc.Width + ix2 + xRand))) gY = Int(iJ * (oDIBSrc.Height / (oDIBSrc.Height + iy2 + yRand))) '-- Innerhalb von Picture2 auslesen. If gX > 0 And gX < oDIBSrc.ScaleWidth - 1 And gY > 0 And _ gY < oDIBSrc.ScaleHeight - 3 Then '-- ************ Fehlerkorrektur **************************** If vSelX1 < vSelX4 Then If (iJ + iy1) = yKorr Or (iJ + iy1) + 1 = yKorr Then If gY + 1 < oDIBSrc.Height Then SetPixel oDIBDst.hDC, ii + ix1, iJ + iy1 + 1, _ GetPixel(oDIBSrc.hDC, gX, gY + 1) End If End If Else If gY + 1 < oDIBSrc.Height Then SetPixel oDIBDst.hDC, ii + ix1, iJ + iy1 + 1, _ GetPixel(oDIBSrc.hDC, gX, gY + 1) End If If gY + 2 < oDIBSrc.Height Then SetPixel oDIBDst.hDC, ii + ix1, iJ + iy1 + 2, _ GetPixel(oDIBSrc.hDC, gX, gY + 2) End If If gY + 3 < oDIBSrc.Height Then SetPixel oDIBDst.hDC, ii + ix1, iJ + iy1 + 3, _ GetPixel(oDIBSrc.hDC, gX, gY + 3) End If End If '-- ****************************************************** SetPixel oDIBDst.hDC, ii + ix1, iJ + iy1, _ GetPixel(oDIBSrc.hDC, gX, gY) yKorr = iJ + iy1 End If Next ii Next iJ End Sub